Nickel sulfate

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CAS: Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number


Nickel is a lustrous white, hard, ferromagnetic metal used widely for electroplating and making alloys. Nickel is added to alloys to increases resistance to corrosion, wear, and abrasion.
Nickel sensitivity is usually acquired nonoccupationally from jewelry, especially from earrings and other metal objects on clothing.
The dimethylglyoxime test is a simple at-home-test for detecting nickel in metallic objects. Stainless steel containing nickel usually does not produce nickel dermatitis because the alloy binds the nickel so firmly that sweat cannot liberate nickel salts.



Nickel sulfate
Nickel sulfate hexahydrate
Niccolum suIfuricum



Coins, keys, key chains
Costume jewelry (especially earrings, silver and white gold)
Eyeglass frames
Machinery parts
Metal parts of furniture
Metal-cutting fluids and coolants
Nickel plating for alloys such as new silver, Chinese silver, and German silver
Orthopedic plates
Tools, utensils, and instruments
Wearing apparel (snaps, zippers, buttons, etc.)





Unusual Reactions

Airborne contact dermatitis
Erythema multiforme-like eruption
Immunologic contact urticaria

Food reaction




Gaul, L.E., Incidence of sensitivity to chromium, nickel, gold, silver, and copper compared to reactions to their aqueous salts including cobalt sulphate. Annals of Allergy, 1954. 12: p. 429.


Hjorth, N., Seasonal variations in contact dermatitis. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 1967. 47(6): p. 409-18.


Wilkinson, D.S., Contact dermatitis. 3. British Journal of Dermatology, 1968. 80(7): p. 482-3.


Cronin, E., Contact dermatitis. 8. The significance of nickel sensitivity in women. British Journal of Dermatology, 1971. 84(1): p. 96-8.


Anonymous, Epidemiology of contact dermatitis in North America: 1972. Archives of Dermatology, 1973. 108(4): p. 537-40.


Gimenez-Camarasa, J.M., et al., Lymphocyte transformation test in allergic contact nickel dermatitis. British Journal of Dermatology, 1975. 92(1): p. 9-15.


Anonymous, Standardization of patch tests in Japan. Contact Dermatitis, 1976. 2(4): p. 205-11.


Hjorth, N., Nickel vasculitis. Contact Dermatitis, 1976. 2(6): p. 356.


Marzulli, F.N. and H.I. Maibach, Contact allergy: predictive testing in man. Contact Dermatitis, 1976. 2(1): p. 1-17.


Menne, T. and A. Thorboe, Nickel dermatitis--nickel excretion. Contact Dermatitis, 1976. 2(6): p. 353-4.


Veien, N.K. and K. Kaaber, Latent metal hypersensitivity among patients with pompholyx. Contact Dermatitis, 1976. 2(6): p. 361.


Burrows, D. and J.R. Corbett, Industrial dermatitis in Northern Ireland. Contact Dermatitis, 1977. 3(3): p. 148-50.


Fisher, A.A., Fifty years experience with contact dermatitis. Cutis, 1977. 19(1): p. 18-20, 26-32.


Fisher, A.A., Contact dermatitis in black patients. Cutis, 1977. 20(3): p. 303, 308-9, 316 passim.


Husain, S.L., Contact dermatitis in the West of Scotland. Contact Dermatitis, 1977. 3(6): p. 327-32.


Rudzki, E. and Z. Grzywa, Exacerbation of nickel dermatitis by margarine. Contact Dermatitis, 1977. 3(6): p. 344.


Christensen, O.B. and H. Moller, Release of nickel from cooking utensils. Contact Dermatitis, 1978. 4(6): p. 343-6.


18. de Jongh, G.J. and D. Spruit, Factors influencing nickel dermatitis. II. Contact Dermatitis, 1978. 4(3): p. 149-56.


de Jongh, G.J., et al., Factors influencing nickel dermatitis. I. Contact Dermatitis, 1978. 4(3): p. 142-8.


Grimalt, F. and C. Romaguera, Nickel allergy and spectacle frame contact acne. Contact Dermatitis, 1978. 4(6): p. 377.


Menne, T. and K. Kaaber, Treatment of pompholyx due to nickel allergy with chelating agents. Contact Dermatitis, 1978. 4(5): p. 289-90.


Menne, T., H.I. Mikkelsen, and P. Solgaard, Nickel excretion in urine after oral administration. Contact Dermatitis, 1978. 4(2): p. 106-8.


Spruit, D., P.J. Bongaarts, and G.J. de Jongh, Dithiocarbamate therapy for nickel dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis, 1978. 4(6): p. 350-8.


van Ketel, W.G., Patch testing with nickel sulfate in DMSO [letter]. Contact Dermatitis, 1978. 4(3): p. 167-8.


Wilkinson, D.S. and E.M. Hambly, Nickel spot testing at home. Contact Dermatitis, 1978. 4(2): p. 114-5.


Yoshikawa, K., K. Hadame, and T. Hijikata, Nickel underneath gold plating. Contact Dermatitis, 1978. 4(6): p. 371-2.


Boonk, W.J. and W.G. van Ketel, Nickel dermatitis after swallowing a nickel coin (Dutch florin). Contact Dermatitis, 1979. 5(5): p. 341-2.


Brandao, F.M., Release of nickel by permanent wave liquids, shown by the dimethylglyoxime test. Contact Dermatitis, 1979. 5(6): p. 406.


Brandrup, F. and F.S. Larsen, Nickel dermatitis provoked by buttons in blue jeans. Contact Dermatitis, 1979. 5(3): p. 148-50.


Brun, R., Nickel in food: the role of stainless-steel utensils. Contact Dermatitis, 1979. 5(1): p. 43-5.


Christensen, O.B., Effect on growth and nickel content of cabbage plants watered with nickel solutions. Contact Dermatitis, 1979. 5(4): p. 239-43.


Christensen, O.B., et al., Nickel concentration of blood, urine and sweat after oral administration. Contact Dermatitis, 1979. 5(5): p. 312-6.


Dahlquist, I., S. Fregert, and B. Gruvberger, Release of nickel from plated utensils in permanent wave liquids. Contact Dermatitis, 1979. 5(1): p. 52-3.


Harrison, P.V., A postal survey of patients with nickel and chromate dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis, 1979. 5(4): p. 229-32.


Kaaber, K., et al., Antabuse treatment of nickel dermatitis. Chelation--a new principle in the treatment of nickel dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis, 1979. 5(4): p. 221-8.


Kaaber, S., H. Thulin, and E. Nielsen, Skin sensitivity to denture base materials in the burning mouth syndrome. Contact Dermatitis, 1979. 5(2): p. 90-6.


Kieffer, M., Nickel sensitivity: relationship between history and patch test reaction. Contact Dermatitis, 1979. 5(6): p. 398-401.


Lachapelle, J.M. and D. Tennstedt, Epidemiological survey of occupational contact dermatitis of the hands in Belgium. Contact Dermatitis, 1979. 5(4): p. 244-8.


Meneghini, C. and G. Angelini, Intradermal test in contact allergy to metals. Acta Dermato-Venereologica. Supplementum, 1979. 59(85): p. 123-4.


Menne, T. and E. Bachmann, Permanent disability from hand dermatitis in females sensitive to nickel, chromium and cobalt. Dermatosen in Beruf und Umwelt. Occupational & Environmental Dermatoses, 1979. 27(5): p. 129-35.


Menne, T. and E. Bachmann, Permanent disability from skin diseases. A study of 564 patients registered over a six year period. Dermatosen in Beruf und Umwelt. Occupational & Environmental Dermatoses, 1979. 27(2): p. 37-42.


Menne, T. and P. Solgaard, Temperature-dependent nickel release from nickel alloys. Contact Dermatitis, 1979. 5(2): p. 82-4.


Peltonen, L., Nickel sensitivity in the general population. Contact Dermatitis, 1979. 5(1): p. 27-32.


Prystowsky, S.D., et al., Allergic contact hypersensitivity to nickel, neomycin, ethylenediamine, and benzocaine. Relationships between age, sex, history of exposure, and reactivity to standard patch tests and use tests in a general population. Archives of Dermatology, 1979. 115(8): p. 959-62.


Roed-Petersen, B., J. Roed-Petersen, and K.D. Jorgensen, Nickel allergy and osteomyelitis in a patient with metal osteosynthesis of a jaw fracture. Contact Dermatitis, 1979. 5(2): p. 108-12.


Romaguera, C. and F. Grimalt, Nickel dermatitis from acupuncture needles. Contact Dermatitis, 1979. 5(3): p. 195.


Rudzki, E., Occupational dermatitis among health service workers. Dermatosen in Beruf und Umwelt. Occupational & Environmental Dermatoses, 1979. 27(4): p. 112-5.


Spruit, D., Increased nickel absorption following indomethacin therapy. Contact Dermatitis, 1979. 5(1): p. 62.


Sugai, T., et al., Age distribution of the incidence of contact sensitivity to standard allergens. Contact Dermatitis, 1979. 5(6): p. 383-8.


Veien, N.K., et al., Antibodies against nickel-albumin in rabbits and man. Contact Dermatitis, 1979. 5(6): p. 378-82.


Veien, N.K. and K. Kaaber, Nickel, cobalt and chromium sensitivity in patients with pompholyx (dyshidrotic eczema). Contact Dermatitis, 1979. 5(6): p. 371-4.


Wubs, P.L. and D. Spruit, Course of nickel contact dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis, 1979. 5(1): p. 57-8.


Dooms-Goossens, A., et al., Is a 5% nickel sulphate patch test concentration adequate?. Contact Dermatitis, 1980. 6(3): p. 232.


Grimalt, F. and C. Romaguera, Acute nickel dermatitis from a metal implant. Contact Dermatitis, 1980. 6(6): p. 441.


Hammershoy, O., Standard patch test results in 3,225 consecutive Danish patient from 1973 to 1977. Contact Dermatitis, 1980. 6(4): p. 263-8.


Larsen, F.S. and F. Brandrup, Nickel release from metallic buttons in blue jeans. Contact Dermatitis, 1980. 6(4): p. 298-9.


Menne, T., Relationship between cobalt and nickel sensitization in females. Contact Dermatitis, 1980. 6(5): p. 337-40.


Nurse, D.S., Nickel sensitivity induced by skin clips. Contact Dermatitis, 1980. 6(7): p. 497.


Oleffe, J. and J. Wilmet, Generalized dermatitis from an osteosynthesis screw. Contact Dermatitis, 1980. 6(5): p. 365.


Osmundsen, P.E., Contact urticaria from nickel and plastic additives (butylhydroxytoluene, oleylamide). Contact Dermatitis, 1980. 6(7): p. 452-4.


Romaguera, C. and F. Grimalt, Statistical and comparative study of 4600 patients tested in Barcelona (1973-1977). Contact Dermatitis, 1980. 6(5): p. 309-15.


Tilsley, D.A. and H. Rotstein, Sensitivity caused by internal exposure to nickel, chrome and cobalt. Contact Dermatitis, 1980. 6(3): p. 175-8.


Wall, L.M., Nickel penetration through rubber gloves. Contact Dermatitis, 1980. 6(7): p. 461-3.


Wall, L.M. and C.D. Calnan, Occupational nickel dermatitis in the electroforming industry. Contact Dermatitis, 1980. 6(6): p. 414-20.


Clemmensen, O.J., et al., Exposure of nickel and the relevance of nickel sensitivity among hospital cleaners. Contact Dermatitis, 1981. 7(1): p. 14-8.


Eun, H.C., Nickel in acupuncture needles. Contact Dermatitis, 1981. 7(6): p. 334.


Garcia-Perez, A., et al., Contact dermatitis to nickel and early cataract in two sisters with hyperornithinemia. Contact Dermatitis, 1981. 7(2): p. 123.


Hjorth, N., Contact dermatitis in children. Acta Dermato-Venereologica. Supplementum, 1981. 95: p. 36-9.


Mitchell, J.C., Type I without type III and type IV hypersensitivity reaction to nickel. Contact Dermatitis, 1981. 7(5): p. 270.


Niordson, A.M., Nickel sensitivity as a cause of rhinitis. Contact Dermatitis, 1981. 7(5): p. 273-4.


Romaguera, C. and F. Grimalt, Contact dermatitis from a permanent acupuncture needle. Contact Dermatitis, 1981. 7(3): p. 156-7.


Rystedt, I., Dermatological problems in the work environment following childhood skin diseases. Acta Dermato-Venereologica. Supplementum, 1981. 95: p. 43-6.


van Ketel, W.G. and D.H. Liem, Eyelid dermatitis from nickel contaminated cosmetics. Contact Dermatitis, 1981. 7(4): p. 217.


Wahlberg, J.E., Nickel allergy in hairdressers [letter]. Contact Dermatitis, 1981. 7(6): p. 358-9.


Boss, A. and T. Menne, Nickel sensitization from ear piercing. Contact Dermatitis, 1982. 8(3): p. 211-3.


Christensen, J.D., Disulfiram treatment of three patients with nickel dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis, 1982. 8(2): p. 105-8.


Christensen, O.B., Prognosis in nickel allergy and hand eczema. Contact Dermatitis, 1982. 8(1): p. 7-15.


Christensen, O.B. and M. Kristensen, Treatment with disulfiram in chronic nickel hand dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis, 1982. 8(1): p. 59-63.


Cook, L.J., Associated nickel and cobalt contact dermatitis presenting as erythema multiforme. Contact Dermatitis, 1982. 8(4): p. 280-1.


Dahlquist, I., "Nickel itch" from a blow-dry hair brush. Contact Dermatitis, 1982. 8(3): p. 217.


Dawber, R. and T. Sonnex, Nickel dermatitis due to steel fibre and soap cleaning pads. Contact Dermatitis, 1982. 8(5): p. 342.


Fernandez de Corres, L., et al., Nickel contact dermatitis in a blood bank. Contact Dermatitis, 1982. 8(1): p. 32-7.


Lachapelle, J.M. and D. Tennstedt, An anatomo-clinical study of delayed skin allergic reactions to nickel following intradermal injections of lidocaine with a Dermo-jet. Contact Dermatitis, 1982. 8(3): p. 193-9.


Lachapelle, J.M., et al., Release of nickel into fluid stored in the reservoir of Dermo-Jets. Contact Dermatitis, 1982. 8(2): p. 122-7.


Lammintausta, K., K. Kalimo, and S. Aantaa, Course of hand dermatitis in hospital workers. Contact Dermatitis, 1982. 8(5): p. 327-32.


Lammintausta, K., K. Kalimo, and V.K. Havu, Contact allergy in atopics, who perform wet work in hospital. Dermatosen in Beruf und Umwelt. Occupational & Environmental Dermatoses, 1982. 30(6): p. 184-8.


Lammintausta, K., K. Kalimo, and V.K. Havu, Occurrence of contact allergy and hand eczemas in hospital wet work. Contact Dermatitis, 1982. 8(2): p. 84-90.


Lawrence, C.M. and A.G. Smith, Ampliative medicament allergy: concomitant sensitivity to multiple medicaments including yellow soft paraffin, white soft paraffin, gentian violet and Span 20. Contact Dermatitis, 1982. 8(4): p. 240-5.


Lynde, C.W. and J.C. Mitchell, Patch test results in 66 hairdressers 1973--81. Contact Dermatitis, 1982. 8(5): p. 302-7.


Menne, T., O. Borgan, and A. Green, Nickel allergy and hand dermatitis in a stratified sample of the Danish female population: an epidemiological study including a statistic appendix. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 1982. 62(1): p. 35-41.


Schubert, H. and E. Prater, Nickel allergy in hairdressers [letter]. Contact Dermatitis, 1982. 8(6): p. 414-5.


van Joost, T. and J.J. van Everdingen, Sensitization to cobalt associated with nickel allergy: clinical and statistical studies. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 1982. 62(6): p. 525-9.


Veien, N.K., et al., Contact dermatitis in children. Contact Dermatitis, 1982. 8(6): p. 373-5.


Warin, R.P. and R.J. Smith, Chronic urticaria Investigations with patch and challenge tests. Contact Dermatitis, 1982. 8(2): p. 117-21.


Allenby, C.F. and B.F. Goodwin, Influence of detergent washing powders on minimal eliciting patch test concentrations of nickel and chromium. Contact Dermatitis, 1983. 9(6): p. 491-9.


Andersen, K.E., et al., Nickel in tap water. Contact Dermatitis, 1983. 9(2): p. 140-3.


Fischer, T. and I. Rystedt, Cobalt allergy in hard metal workers. Contact Dermatitis, 1983. 9(2): p. 115-21.


Hansen, K.S., Occupational dermatoses in hospital cleaning women. Contact Dermatitis, 1983. 9(5): p. 343-51.


Kaaber, K., et al., Treatment of nickel dermatitis with Antabuse; a double blind study. Contact Dermatitis, 1983. 9(4): p. 297-9.


Kaaber, K., K.E. Sjolin, and T. Menne, Elbow eruptions in nickel and chromate dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis, 1983. 9(3): p. 213-6.


Landwehr, A.J. and W.G. van Ketel, Pompholyx after implantation of a nickel-containing pacemaker in a nickel-allergic patient. Contact Dermatitis, 1983. 9(2): p. 147.


Lombardi, P., P. Campolmi, and A. Sertoli, Lichenoid dermatitis caused by nickel salts?. Contact Dermatitis, 1983. 9(6): p. 520-1.


Mathur, A.K., Occupational dermatitis and absorption in a metal plater. Contact Dermatitis, 1983. 9(6): p. 530.


Menne, T. and N.V. Holm, Nickel allergy in a female twin population. International Journal of Dermatology, 1983. 22(1): p. 22-8.


Menne, T. and N.V. Holm, Hand eczema in nickel-sensitive female twins. Genetic predisposition and environmental factors. Contact Dermatitis, 1983. 9(4): p. 289-96.


Rystedt, I. and T. Fischer, Relationship between nickel and cobalt sensitization in hard metal workers. Contact Dermatitis, 1983. 9(3): p. 195-200.


Veien, N.K., et al., Oral challenge with metal salts. (II). Various types of eczema. Contact Dermatitis, 1983. 9(5): p. 407-10.


Veien, N.K., et al., Oral challenge with metal salts. (I). Vesicular patch-test-negative hand eczema. Contact Dermatitis, 1983. 9(5): p. 402-6.


Andersen, K.E., N. Hjorth, and T. Menne, The baboon syndrome: systemically-induced allergic contact dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis, 1984. 10(2): p. 97-100.


Barber, K.A. and E. Cronin, Patch and photopatch testing in chronic actinic dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis, 1984. 10(2): p. 69-73.


Fischer, T., et al., Nickel release from ear piercing kits and earrings. Contact Dermatitis, 1984. 10(1): p. 39-41.


Fischer, T., et al., Contact sensitivity to nickel in white gold. Contact Dermatitis, 1984. 10(1): p. 23-4.


Fischer, T. and H. Maibach, Recovery of nickel sulphate from a standard patch test. Contact Dermatitis, 1984. 11(2): p. 134


Fischer, T. and H. Maibach, Amount of nickel applied with a standard patch test. Contact Dermatitis, 1984. 11(5): p. 285-7.


Kalimo, K. and K. Lammintausta, 24 and 48 h allergen exposure in patch testing. Comparative study with 11 common contact allergens and NiCl2. Contact Dermatitis, 1984. 10(1): p. 25-9.


Lantinga, H., J.P. Nater, and P.J. Coenraads, Prevalence, incidence and course of eczema on the hands and forearms in a sample of the general population. Contact Dermatitis, 1984. 10(3): p. 135-9.


Moller, H., Attempts to induce contact allergy to nickel in the mouse. Contact Dermatitis, 1984. 10(2): p. 65-8.


Nebenfuhrer, L., et al., Sources of nickel allergy in Budapest. Contact Dermatitis, 1984. 10(2): p. 116-7.


Olerud, J.E., et al., Presumptive nickel dermatitis from hemodialysis. Archives of Dermatology, 1984. 120(8): p. 1066-8.


Pevny, I., M. Brennenstuhl, and G. Razinskas, Patch testing in children (II). Results and case reports. Contact Dermatitis, 1984. 11(5): p. 302-10.


Rudzki, E., et al., Atopic disease and allergic contact dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis, 1984. 11(1): p. 44.


Spiechowicz, E., et al., Oral exposure to a nickel-containing dental alloy of persons with hypersensitive skin reactions to nickel. Contact Dermatitis, 1984. 10(4): p. 206-11.


van Ketel, W.G. and D.P. Bruynzeel, Chelating effect of EDTA on nickel. Contact Dermatitis, 1984. 11(5): p. 311-4.


van Loon, L.A., et al., Contact stomatitis and dermatitis to nickel and palladium. Contact Dermatitis, 1984. 11(5): p. 294-7.


Ziegler, V. and H. Hohndorf, Animal experiments with nickel-chromium-molybdenum implants. Contact Dermatitis, 1984. 10(5): p. 314.


Cavelier, C., J. Foussereau, and M. Massin, Nickel allergy: analysis of metal clothing objects and patch testing to metal samples. Contact Dermatitis, 1985. 12(2): p. 65-75.


Christensen, O.B., et al., Pathogenesis of orally induced flare-up reactions at old patch sites in nickel allergy. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 1985. 65(4): p. 298-304.


Edman, B., Sites of contact dermatitis in relationship to particular allergens. Contact Dermatitis, 1985. 13(3): p. 129-35.


Ferguson, J., J.H. Gibbs, and J.S. Beck, Lymphocyte subsets and Langerhans cells in allergic and irritant patch test reactions: histometric studies. Contact Dermatitis, 1985. 13(3): p. 166-74.


Fischer, T. and H. Maibach, Aluminium in Finn chambers reacts with cobalt and nickel salts in patch test materials. Contact Dermatitis, 1985. 12(4): p. 200-2.


Fischer, T. and I. Rystedt, False-positive, follicular and irritant patch test reactions to metal salts. Contact Dermatitis, 1985. 12(2): p. 93-8.


Fisher, A.A., Allergic contact dermatitis in early infancy. Cutis, 1985. 35(4): p. 315-6.


Friedman, S.J. and H.O. Perry, Erythema multiforme associated with contact dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis, 1985. 12(1): p. 21-3.


Gammelgaard, B. and J.R. Andersen, Nickel in tap water. Contact Dermatitis, 1985. 12(2): p. 123.


Goitre, M., et al., Contact psychodermatitis. Contact Dermatitis, 1985. 13(4): p. 270.


Kalimo, K., et al., Nickel penetration in allergic individuals: bioavailability versus X-ray microanalysis detection. Contact Dermatitis, 1985. 12(5): p. 255-7.


Lammintausta, K., K. Kalimo, and C.T. Jansen, Experimental nickel sensitization in the guinea pig: comparison of different protocols. Contact Dermatitis, 1985. 12(5): p. 258-62.


Lammintausta, K., et al., Interrelationship of nickel and cobalt contact sensitization. Contact Dermatitis, 1985. 13(3): p. 148-52.


Larsson-Stymne, B. and L. Widstrom, Ear piercing--a cause of nickel allergy in schoolgirls?. Contact Dermatitis, 1985. 13(5): p. 289-93.


Mendelow, A.Y., et al., Patch testing for nickel allergy. The influence of the vehicle on the response rate to topical nickel sulphate. Contact Dermatitis, 1985. 13(1): p. 29-33.


Menne, T., Flare-up of cobalt dermatitis from Antabuse treatment. Contact Dermatitis, 1985. 12(1): p. 53.


Nilsson, E., Contact sensitivity and urticaria in "wet" work. Contact Dermatitis, 1985. 13(5): p. 321-8.


Pincelli, C., A. Motolese, and L. Pincelli, Fiddler's neck and nickel dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis, 1985. 13(1): p. 37.


Romaguera, C. and F. Grimalt, Dermatitis from nickel eyelash curler. Contact Dermatitis, 1985. 12(3): p. 174.


Romaguera, C., F. Grimalt, and J. Vilaplana, Nickel dermatitis from an infusion needle. Contact Dermatitis, 1985. 12(3): p. 181.


Rudzki, E., et al., Nickel objects causing sensitisation and relapses. Contact Dermatitis, 1985. 13(5): p. 335-6.


Rystedt, I., Contact sensitivity in adults with atopic dermatitis in childhood. Contact Dermatitis, 1985. 13(1): p. 1-8.


Sjovall, P., O.B. Christensen, and H. Moller, Single exposure to ultraviolet irradiation and elicitation of human allergic contact dermatitis. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 1985. 65(2): p. 93-6.


Valsecchi, R. and T. Cainelli, Nickel sensitivity as a complication of squaric acid dibutylester treatment of alopecia areata. Contact Dermatitis, 1985. 12(4): p. 234.


van Ketel, W.G., Occupational contact with coins in nickel-allergic patients. Contact Dermatitis, 1985. 12(2): p. 108.


Wahlberg, J.E. and E. Wahlberg, Skin irritancy from nickel sulfate and test patches. Contact Dermatitis, 1985. 13(4): p. 224-5.


Waterman, A.H. and J.J. Schrik, Allergy in hip arthroplasty. Contact Dermatitis, 1985. 13(5): p. 294-301.


Axell, T., et al., A new method for intraoral patch testing. Contact Dermatitis, 1986. 15(2): p. 58-62.


Burrows, D., et al., Treatment of nickel dermatitis with Trientine. Contact Dermatitis, 1986. 15(2): p. 55-7.


Fernandez, J.P., et al., Nickel allergy to dental prostheses. Contact Dermatitis, 1986. 14(5): p. 312.


Fisher, A.A., Ear piercing and nickel allergy [letter]. Contact Dermatitis, 1986. 14(5): p. 328.


Fullerton, A., et al., Permeation of nickel salts through human skin in vitro. Contact Dermatitis, 1986. 15(3): p. 173-7.


Gawkrodger, D.J., M.H. Lloyd, and J.A. Hunter, Occupational skin disease in hospital cleaning and kitchen workers. Contact Dermatitis, 1986. 15(3): p. 132-5.


Gawkrodger, D.J., et al., Contact clinic survey of nickel-sensitive subjects. Contact Dermatitis, 1986. 14(3): p. 165-9.


Goh, C.L., S.L. Gan, and S.J. Ngui, Occupational dermatitis in a prefabrication construction factory. Contact Dermatitis, 1986. 15(4): p. 235-40.


Goh, C.L., S.F. Kwok, and S.L. Gan, Cobalt and nickel content of Asian cements. Contact Dermatitis, 1986. 15(3): p. 169-72.


Ho, V.C. and M.M. Johnston, Nickel dermatitis in infants. Contact Dermatitis, 1986. 15(5): p. 270-3.


Moller, H. and A. Svensson, Metal sensitivity: positive history but negative test indicates atopy. Contact Dermatitis, 1986. 14(1): p. 57-60.


Perez Macias, J.M. and A. Sanchez Palacios, Artifact lesions and metal sensitivity after insertion of osteosynthesis material. Contact Dermatitis, 1986. 14(4): p. 260.


Raith, L. and K. Jaeger, The nickel content of chalk--cause of contact dermatitis?. Contact Dermatitis, 1986. 14(1): p. 61.


Singgih, S.I., et al., Occupational hand dermatoses in hospital cleaning personnel. Contact Dermatitis, 1986. 14(1): p. 14-9.


Tosti, A., et al., Immediate hypersensitivity to nickel. Contact Dermatitis, 1986. 15(2): p. 95.


van der Burg, C.K., et al., Hand eczema in hairdressers and nurses: a prospective study. I. Evaluation of atopy and nickel hypersensitivity at the start of apprenticeship. Contact Dermatitis, 1986. 14(5): p. 275-9.


Veien, N.K., et al., Why do young girls become nickel sensitive?. Contact Dermatitis, 1986. 15(5): p. 306-7.


Walton, S., A.T. Nayagam, and K. Keczkes, Age and sex incidence of allergic contact dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis, 1986. 15(3): p. 136-9.


Widstrom, L., B. Bergstrom, and C. Wennerholm, Nickel allergy and wrist strap to dissipate static electricity. Contact Dermatitis, 1986. 15(5): p. 299-301.


Christensen, O.B. and L.M. Wall, Open, closed and intradermal testing in nickel allergy. Contact Dermatitis, 1987. 16(1): p. 21-6.


Goh, C.L. and S.K. Ng, Nickel dermatitis mimicking sycosis barbae. Contact Dermatitis, 1987. 16(1): p. 42.


Handfield-Jones, S., J. Boyle, and R.R. Harman, Contact allergy caused by metal sprays. Contact Dermatitis, 1987. 16(1): p. 44-5.


Hemingway, J.D. and M.M. Molokhia, The dissolution of metallic nickel in artificial sweat. Contact Dermatitis, 1987. 16(2): p. 99-105.


Lammintausta, K. and K. Kalimo, Do positive nickel reactions increase nonspecific patch test reactivity?. Contact Dermatitis, 1987. 16(3): p. 160-3.


Menne, T., et al., Patch test reactivity to nickel alloys. Contact Dermatitis, 1987. 16(5): p. 255-9.


Moller, H., Nickel allergy [letter]. Contact Dermatitis, 1987. 17(3): p. 190-1.


Schubert, H., et al., Epidemiology of nickel allergy. Contact Dermatitis, 1987. 16(3): p. 122-8.


Sjovall, P., O.B. Christensen, and H. Moller, Oral hyposensitization in nickel allergy. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 1987. 17(5 Pt 1): p. 774-8.


Stransky, L., Contact granuloma annulare. Contact Dermatitis, 1987. 16(2): p. 106.


Sun, C.C., Allergic contact dermatitis of the face from contact with nickel and ammoniated mercury in spectacle frames and skin-lightening creams. Contact Dermatitis, 1987. 17(5): p. 306-9.


Tosti, A., M. Melino, and S. Veronesi, Hand dermatitis and contact sensitivity in twins. Contact Dermatitis, 1987. 17(2): p. 113-4.


Valsecchi, R. and T. Cainelli, Contact urticaria from nickel. Contact Dermatitis, 1987. 17(3): p. 187.


Veien, N.K., et al., Dietary restrictions in the treatment of adult patients with eczema. Contact Dermatitis, 1987. 17(4): p. 223-8.


Veien, N.K., et al., Diagnostic procedures for eczema patients. Contact Dermatitis, 1987. 17(1): p. 35-40.


Walton, S. and K. Keczkes, HLA antigens in nickel-sensitive contact dermatitis patients [letter]. British Journal of Dermatology, 1987. 116(4): p. 607-8.


Young, E. and R.H. Houwing, Patch test results with standard allergens over a decade. Contact Dermatitis, 1987. 17(2): p. 104-7.


Bruynzeel, D.P., Dermatitis from shell splinters after 43 years. Contact Dermatitis, 1988. 19(3): p. 233-5.


Cavelier, C., et al., Nickel allergy: tolerance to metallic surface-plated samples in nickel-sensitive humans and guinea pigs. Contact Dermatitis, 1988. 19(5): p. 358-61.


Christensen, O.B., What can nickel allergy teach us about allergic contact dermatitis?. Acta Dermato-Venereologica. Supplementum, 1988. 135: p. 64-66.


de Boer, E.M., D.P. Bruynzeel, and W.G. van Ketel, Dyshidrotic eczema as an occupational dermatitis in metal workers. Contact Dermatitis, 1988. 19(3): p. 184-8.


Emmett, E.A., et al., Allergic contact dermatitis to nickel: bioavailability from consumer products and provocation threshold. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 1988. 19(2 Pt 1): p. 314-22.


Fernandez de Corres, L., et al., The innumerable sources of nickel. Contact Dermatitis, 1988. 19(5): p. 386-7.


Fransway, A.F. and R.K. Winkelmann, Chronic dermatitis evolving to mycosis fungoides: report of four cases and review of the literature. Cutis, 1988. 41(5): p. 330-5.


Gawkrodger, D.J., I.L. Shuttler, and H.T. Delves, Nickel dermatitis and diet: clinical improvement and a reduction in blood and urine nickel levels with a low-nickel diet. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 1988. 68(5): p. 453-5.


Gilboa, R., N.G. Al-Tawil, and J.A. Marcusson, Metal allergy in cashiers. An in vitro and in vivo study for the presence of metal allergy. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 1988. 68(4): p. 317-24.


Goh, C.L., An epidemiological comparison between hand eczema and non-hand eczema. British Journal of Dermatology, 1988. 118(6): p. 797-801.


Gollhausen, R., et al., Trends in allergic contact sensitization. Contact Dermatitis, 1988. 18(3): p. 147-54.


Hogan, D.J., M. Hill, and P.R. Lane, Results of routine patch testing of 542 patients in Saskatoon, Canada. Contact Dermatitis, 1988. 19(2): p. 120-4.


Lee, H.S. and C.L. Goh, Occupational dermatosis among chrome platers. Contact Dermatitis, 1988. 18(2): p. 89-93.


Lunder, M., Variable incidence of nickel dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis, 1988. 18(5): p. 287-9.


Matsunaga, K., et al., Occupational allergic contact dermatitis in beauticians. Contact Dermatitis, 1988. 18(2): p. 94-6.


Romaguera, C., F. Grimalt, and J. Vilaplana, Contact dermatitis from nickel: an investigation of its sources. Contact Dermatitis, 1988. 19(1): p. 52-7.


Santucci, B., et al., Nickel sensitivity: effects of prolonged oral intake of the element. Contact Dermatitis, 1988. 19(3): p. 202-5.


Schubert, H., et al., Epidemiology of nickel allergy: results of a follow-up analysis of patients with positive patch tests to nickel. Contact Dermatitis, 1988. 18(4): p. 237-9.


Temesvari, E. and I. Racz, Nickel sensitivity from dental prosthesis. Contact Dermatitis, 1988. 18(1): p. 50-1.


van Joost, T., et al., The meaning of positive patch tests to copper sulphate in nickel allergy. Contact Dermatitis, 1988. 18(2): p. 101-2.


Walton, S., M.M. Gandhi, and E.H. Wyatt, Snags in gold patch testing. Contact Dermatitis, 1988. 18(4): p. 248-9.


Warner, R.D., et al., Zinc effects on nickel dermatitis in the guinea pig. Contact Dermatitis, 1988. 19(2): p. 98-108.


Zanca, A., et al., The release of nickel from blackboard chalk may cause contact dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis, 1988. 19(2): p. 143.


Anonymous, Preliminary studies of the TRUE test patch test system in the United States. TRUE Test Study Group. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 1989. 21(4 Pt 2): p. 841-3.


Camarasa, J.G., et al., Recent unexplained patch test reactions to palladium. Contact Dermatitis, 1989. 20(5): p. 388-9.


Carlsson, A. and H. Moller, Implantation of orthopaedic devices in patients with metal allergy. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 1989. 69(1): p. 62-6.


Cavelier, C., et al., Allergy to nickel or cobalt: tolerance to nickel and cobalt samples in man and in the guinea pig allergic or sensitized to these metals. Contact Dermatitis, 1989. 21(2): p. 72-8.


Christophersen, J., et al., Clinical patch test data evaluated by multivariate analysis. Danish Contact Dermatitis Group. Contact Dermatitis, 1989. 21(5): p. 291-9.


Dave, V.K. and D. Cross, Non-occupational metal-related contact reactions in women with psoriasis. Contact Dermatitis, 1989. 21(3): p. 194-5.


Espana, A., et al., Chronic urticaria after implantation of 2 nickel-containing dental prostheses in a nickel-allergic patient. Contact Dermatitis, 1989. 21(3): p. 204-5.


Fisher, A.A., Dermatitis from shell splinters [letter]. Contact Dermatitis, 1989. 20(4): p. 317-8.


Fullerton, A., T. Menne, and A. Hoelgaard, Patch testing with nickel chloride in a hydrogel. Contact Dermatitis, 1989. 20(1): p. 17-20.


Garcia-Bravo, B., et al., Nickel sulphate in the treatment of alopecia areata. Contact Dermatitis, 1989. 20(3): p. 228-9.


Goh, C.L., S.K. Ng, and S.F. Kwok, Allergic contact dermatitis from nickel in eyeshadow [see comments]. Contact Dermatitis, 1989. 20(5): p. 380-1.


Hegyi, E. and J. Gasparik, The nickel content of moulded bricks as building material. Contact Dermatitis, 1989. 21(1): p. 63.


Hegyi, E. and J. Gasparik, The nickel content of metallic threads in an Indian shawl. Contact Dermatitis, 1989. 21(2): p. 107.


Kuiters, G.R., et al., Allergic contact dermatitis in children and young adults. Archives of Dermatology, 1989. 125(11): p. 1531-3.


Lane, P.R., V.L. Harms, and D.J. Hogan, Patch testing in actinic prurigo. Contact Dermatitis, 1989. 21(4): p. 249-54.


Lee, T.Y. and T.H. Lam, Patch testing in Hong Kong. Contact Dermatitis, 1989. 21(3): p. 148-53.


Lerche, A., et al., Prostaglandin E1 and prostaglandin F2 alpha in exudate in nickel allergy. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 1989. 69(3): p. 253-6.


Moller, H., Intradermal testing in doubtful cases of contact allergy to metals. Contact Dermatitis, 1989. 20(2): p. 120-3.


Nethercott, J.R., G. Nield, and D.L. Holness, A review of 79 cases of eyelid dermatitis. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 1989. 21(2 Pt 1): p. 223-30.


Romaguera, C., J. Vilaplana, and F. Grimalt, Contact stomatitis from a dental prosthesis. Contact Dermatitis, 1989. 21(3): p. 204.


Santucci, B., et al., Nickel dermatitis from cheap earrings. Contact Dermatitis, 1989. 21(4): p. 245-8.


Schopf, E. and A. Baumgartner, Patch testing in atopic dermatitis. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 1989. 21(4 Pt 2): p. 860-2.


Storrs, F.J., et al., Prevalence and relevance of allergic reactions in patients patch tested in North America--1984 to 1985. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 1989. 20(6): p. 1038-45.


Todd, D.J., D. Burrows, and C.F. Stanford, Atopy in subjects with a history of nickel allergy but negative patch tests. Contact Dermatitis, 1989. 21(3): p. 129-33.


van Ketel, W.G. and D.P. Bruynzeel, Allergic contact dermatitis from nickel in eyeshadow [letter; comment]. Contact Dermatitis, 1989. 21(5): p. 355.


Wilson, A.G. and D.J. Gould, Nickel dermatitis from a dental prosthesis without buccal involvement. Contact Dermatitis, 1989. 21(1): p. 53.


Bannar-Martin, B.R. and R.J. Rycroft, Nickel dermatitis from a powder paint. Contact Dermatitis, 1990. 22(1): p. 50.


Barnett, J.H., Discoid lupus erythematosus exacerbated by contact dermatitis. Cutis, 1990. 46(5): p. 430-2.


Bonde, I., et al., Nickel in intercellular fluid. Comparison between nickel-allergic patients and controls. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 1990. 70(4): p. 300-3.


Dave, V.K., J. Templar, and J.P. Day, Low nickel levels in mineral water [published erratum appears in Contact Dermatitis 1990 Aug;23(2):128]. Contact Dermatitis, 1990. 22(3): p. 181.


Kiec-Swierczynska, M., Occupational dermatoses and allergy to metals in Polish construction workers manufacturing prefabricated building units. Contact Dermatitis, 1990. 23(1): p. 27-32.


Kiec-Swierczynska, M., Allergy to chromate, cobalt and nickel in Lodz 1977-1988. Contact Dermatitis, 1990. 22(4): p. 229-31.


Kimber, I., A.N. Bentley, and J. Hilton, Contact sensitization of mice to nickel sulphate and potassium dichromate. Contact Dermatitis, 1990. 23(5): p. 325-30.


Lammintausta, K. and K. Kalimo, Nickel sensitivity and the course of atopic dermatitis in adulthood. Contact Dermatitis, 1990. 22(3): p. 144-7.


Lee, A.Y. and Y.S. Lee, A case of allergic contact dermatitis due to nickel in underground water. Contact Dermatitis, 1990. 22(3): p. 141-3.


Meding, B., Epidemiology of hand eczema in an industrial city. Acta Dermato-Venereologica. Supplementum, 1990. 153: p. 1-43.


Meding, B. and G. Swanbeck, Occupational hand eczema in an industrial city. Contact Dermatitis, 1990. 22(1): p. 13-23.


Menne, T. and K. Rasmussen, Regulation of nickel exposure in Denmark [see comments]. Contact Dermatitis, 1990. 23(1): p. 57-8.


Moller, H., Nickel dermatitis: problems solved and unsolved. [Review]. Contact Dermatitis, 1990. 23(4): p. 217-20.


Mozzanica, N., et al., HLA-A, B, C and DR antigens in nickel contact sensitivity. British Journal of Dermatology, 1990. 122(3): p. 309-13.


Nethercott, J.R. and D.L. Holness, Cutaneous nickel sensitivity in Toronto, Canada. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 1990. 22(5 Pt 1): p. 756-61.


Pecegueiro, M., Contact dermatitis due to nickel in fertilizers. Contact Dermatitis, 1990. 22(2): p. 114-5.


Pigatto, P.D., et al., Disodium cromoglycate versus diet in the treatment and prevention of nickel-positive pompholyx [see comments]. Contact Dermatitis, 1990. 22(1): p. 27-31.


Santucci, B., et al., Serum concentrations in nickel-sensitive patients after prolonged oral administration. Contact Dermatitis, 1990. 22(5): p. 253-6.


Seidenari, S., et al., Contact sensitization among ceramics workers. Contact Dermatitis, 1990. 22(1): p. 45-9.


Seidenari, S., et al., Patch and prick test study of 593 healthy subjects. Contact Dermatitis, 1990. 23(3): p. 162-7.


Szliska, C. and J. Raskoski, Sensitization to nickel, cobalt and chromium in surgical patients. Contact Dermatitis, 1990. 23(5): p. 378-9.


van Joost, T. and I.D. Roesyanto-Mahadi, Combined sensitization to palladium and nickel. [Review]. Contact Dermatitis, 1990. 22(4): p. 227-8.


Veien, N.K., Low nickel diet [letter; comment]. Contact Dermatitis, 1990. 22(5): p. 310.


Brandrup, F., Nickel eyelid dermatitis from an eyelash curler. Contact Dermatitis, 1991. 25(1): p. 77.


De Rie, M.A., M.M. Meinardi, and J.D. Bos, Lack of efficacy of topical cyclosporin A in atopic dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 1991. 71(5): p. 452-4.


Edman, B., Computerized analysis of concomitant contact allergens. Contact Dermatitis, 1991. 24(2): p. 110-3.


Eedy, D.J., D. Burrows, and D. McMaster, The nickel content of certain commercially available metallic patch test materials and its relevance in nickel-sensitive subjects. Contact Dermatitis, 1991. 24(1): p. 11-5.


Fisher, A.A., Regulation of nickel exposure [letter; comment]. Contact Dermatitis, 1991. 24(2): p. 158.


Gawkrodger, D.J., A.J. McDonagh, and A.L. Wright, Quantification of allergic and irritant patch test reactions using laser-Doppler flowmetry and erythema index. Contact Dermatitis, 1991. 24(3): p. 172-7.


Gollhausen, R. and J. Ring, Allergy to coined money: nickel contact dermatitis in cashiers. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 1991. 25(2 Pt 2): p. 365-9.


Hackel, H., et al., Unusual combined sensitization to palladium and other metals. Contact Dermatitis, 1991. 24(2): p. 131-2.


Hendricks, W.M., Complications of ear piercing: treatment and prevention. Cutis, 1991. 48(5): p. 386-94.


Kraus, S.M. and N.Z. Muselinovic, Pre-employment screening for contact dermatitis among the pupils of a metal industry school. Contact Dermatitis, 1991. 24(5): p. 342-4.


Massone, L., et al., Positive patch test reactions to nickel, cobalt, and potassium dichromate in a series of 576 patients. Cutis, 1991. 47(2): p. 119-22.


McLelland, J. and C.M. Lawrence, Premenstrual exacerbation of nickel allergy [letter]. British Journal of Dermatology, 1991. 125(1): p. 83.


McLelland, J., S. Shuster, and J.N. Matthews, 'Irritants' increase the response to an allergen in allergic contact dermatitis. Archives of Dermatology, 1991. 127(7): p. 1016-9.


Pambor, M., S. Winkler, and Y. Bloch, Allergic contact dermatitis in children. Contact Dermatitis, 1991. 24(1): p. 72-4.


Peters, K., B. Gammelgaard, and T. Menne, Nickel concentrations in fingernails as a measure of occupational exposure to nickel. Contact Dermatitis, 1991. 25(4): p. 237-41.


Peters, K., T. Menne, and B. Gammelgaard, Nickel content of fingernails from hospital cleaners. Contact Dermatitis, 1991. 25(2): p. 136-7.


Rohold, A.E., G.D. Nielsen, and K.E. Andersen, Nickel-sulphate-induced contact dermatitis in the guinea pig maximization test: a dose-response study. Contact Dermatitis, 1991. 24(1): p. 35-9.


Shehade, S.A., M.H. Beck, and V.F. Hillier, Epidemiological survey of standard series patch test results and observations on day 2 and day 4 readings. Contact Dermatitis, 1991. 24(2): p. 119-22.


Vilaplana, J., C. Romaguera, and F. Grimalt, Contact dermatitis from nickel and cobalt in a contact lens cleaning solution. Contact Dermatitis, 1991. 24(3): p. 232-3.


Vilaplana, J., et al., New trends in the use of metals in jewellery. Contact Dermatitis, 1991. 25(3): p. 145-8.


Wall, L.M. and K.A. Gebauer, Occupational skin disease in Western Australia. Contact Dermatitis, 1991. 24(2): p. 101-9.


Zhang, X.M., B. Niklasson, and S.Y. Li, Patch testing in cases of eczema and dermatitis in Beijing, China. Contact Dermatitis, 1991. 25(4): p. 224-9.


Zhao, B. and W.X. Fan, Facial contact dermatitis. Pathogenetic factors in China. International Journal of Dermatology, 1991. 30(7): p. 485-6.


Castiglioni, G., et al., Results of routine patch testing of 834 patients in Turin. Contact Dermatitis, 1992. 27(3): p. 182-5.


Goncalo, S., et al., Allergic contact dermatitis in children. A multicenter study of the Portuguese Contact Dermatitis Group (GPEDC). Contact Dermatitis, 1992. 26(2): p. 112-5.


Guerra, L., et al., Contact dermatitis in hairdressers: the Italian experience. Gruppo Italiano Ricerca Dermatiti da Contatto e Ambientali [see comments]. Contact Dermatitis, 1992. 26(2): p. 101-7.


Lammintausta, K., K. Kalimo, and V.L. Fagerlund, Patch test reactions in atopic patients. Contact Dermatitis, 1992. 26(4): p. 234-40.


Lever, R. and A. Forsyth, Allergic contact dermatitis in atopic dermatitis. Acta Dermato-Venereologica. Supplementum, 1992. 176: p. 95-98.


Liden, C., Nickel in jewellery and associated products [editorial]. Contact Dermatitis, 1992. 26(2): p. 73-5.


Lim, J.T., et al., Changing trends in the epidemiology of contact dermatitis in Singapore. Contact Dermatitis, 1992. 26(5): p. 321-6.


Lindelof, B., Regional variations of patch test response in nickel-sensitive patients. Contact Dermatitis, 1992. 26(3): p. 202-3.


Lodi, A., et al., Epidemiological, clinical and allergological observations on pompholyx. Contact Dermatitis, 1992. 26(1): p. 17-21.


Marshman, G. and C.T. Kennedy, Guitar-string dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis, 1992. 26(2): p. 134.


McDonagh, A.J., et al., Nickel sensitivity: the influence of ear piercing and atopy. British Journal of Dermatology, 1992. 126(1): p. 16-8.


Motolese, A., M. Truzzi, and S. Seidenari, Nickel sensitization and atopy. Contact Dermatitis, 1992. 26(4): p. 274-5.


Nielsen, G.D., A.E. Rohold, and K.E. Andersen, Nickel contact sensitivity in the guinea pig. An efficient open application test method. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 1992. 72(1): p. 45-8.


Nielsen, N.H. and T. Menne, Allergic contact sensitization in an unselected Danish population. The Glostrup Allergy Study, Denmark [published erratum appears in Acta Derm Venereol (Stockh) 1993 Oct;73(5):397]. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 1992. 72(6): p. 456-60.


Rasanen, L. and M.L. Tuomi, Diagnostic value of the lymphocyte proliferation test in nickel contact allergy and provocation in occupational coin dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis, 1992. 27(4): p. 250-4.


Schena, D. and M.A. Nigro, Allergic contact dermatitis from nickel with unusual localization. Contact Dermatitis, 1992. 27(5): p. 330-1.


Seidenari, S. and A. Di Nardo, Cutaneous reactivity to allergens at 24-h increases from the antecubital fossa to the wrist: an echographic evaluation by means of a new image analysis system. Contact Dermatitis, 1992. 26(3): p. 171-6.


Szliska, C., et al., Patch testing with a dilution series of nickel sulfate. Contact Dermatitis, 1992. 27(2): p. 111-2.


Trevisan, G. and F. Kokelj, Allergic contact dermatitis from nickel in an electrocautery plate. Contact Dermatitis, 1992. 26(4): p. 267.


Trombelli, L., et al., Systemic contact dermatitis from an orthodontic appliance. Contact Dermatitis, 1992. 27(4): p. 259-60.


Valsecchi, R., et al., Eyelid dermatitis: an evaluation of 150 patients. Contact Dermatitis, 1992. 27(3): p. 143-7.


Wahlberg, J.E. and A.S. Boman, Cross-reactivity to palladium and nickel studied in the guinea pig. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 1992. 72(2): p. 95-7.


Zemba, C., C. Romaguera, and J. Vilaplana, Allergic contact dermatitis from nickel in an eye pencil. Contact Dermatitis, 1992. 27(2): p. 116.


Atakan, N., J. Tuzun, and A. Karaduman, Dyshidrosiform pemphigoid induced by nickel in the diet. Contact Dermatitis, 1993. 29(3): p. 159-60.


Basketter, D.A., et al., Nickel, cobalt and chromium in consumer products: a role in allergic contact dermatitis?. [Review]. Contact Dermatitis, 1993. 28(1): p. 15-25.


Bischof, R.O., Stethoscope dermatitis: an unusual presentation. Cutis, 1993. 51(4): p. 244.


Cronin, E. and J.P. McFadden, Patients with atopic eczema do become sensitized to contact allergens. Contact Dermatitis, 1993. 28(4): p. 225-8.


Elsner, P. and G. Burg, Irritant reactivity is a better risk marker for nickel sensitization than atopy [see comments]. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 1993. 73(3): p. 214-6.


Fedler, R. and K. Stromer, Nickel sensitivity in atopics, psoriatics and healthy subjects [published errata appear in Contact Dermatitis 1994 Jan;30(1):64 and 1994 Jul;31(1):63-4]. Contact Dermatitis, 1993. 29(2): p. 65-9.


Fisher, A.A., A "current contact news" follow-up: controversial subjects and those resulting in litigation [news]. Cutis, 1993. 52(5): p. 254-6.


Fisher, A.A., Allergic contact dermatitis from musical instruments [news]. Cutis, 1993. 51(2): p. 75-6.


Gamboa, P., et al., Disulfiram-induced recall of nickel dermatitis in chronic alcoholism. Contact Dermatitis, 1993. 28(4): p. 255.


Gawkrodger, D.J., Nickel sensitivity and the implantation of orthopaedic prostheses. Contact Dermatitis, 1993. 28(5): p. 257-9.


Nielsen, N.H. and T. Menne, Nickel sensitization and ear piercing in an unselected Danish population. Glostrup Allergy Study. Contact Dermatitis, 1993. 29(1): p. 16-21.


Rasanen, L., M. Lehto, and U.P. Mustikka-Maki, Sensitization to nickel from stainless steel ear-piercing kits [see comments]. Contact Dermatitis, 1993. 28(5): p. 292-4.


Santucci, B., et al., Interaction of metals in nickel-sensitive patients. Contact Dermatitis, 1993. 29(5): p. 251-3.


Storrs, F.J., All the things I knew were true about contact dermatitis that aren't. Cutis, 1993. 52(5): p. 301-6.


Sutthipisal, N., J.P. McFadden, and E. Cronin, Sensitization in atopic and non-atopic hairdressers with hand eczema. Contact Dermatitis, 1993. 29(4): p. 206-9.


Tandon, R. and B. Aarts, Chromium, nickel and cobalt contents of some Australian cements. Contact Dermatitis, 1993. 28(4): p. 201-5.


Van Hoogstraten, I.M., et al., Oral induction of tolerance to nickel sensitization in mice. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 1993. 101(1): p. 26-31.


Veien, N.K., T. Hattel, and G. Laurberg, Low nickel diet: an open, prospective trial. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 1993. 29(6): p. 1002-7.


Zachariae, H., Patch test concentrations in children [letter; comment]. Contact Dermatitis, 1993. 28(5): p. 310.


Allenby, C.F. and D.A. Basketter, The effect of repeated open exposure to low levels of nickel on compromised hand skin of nickel-allergic subjects. Contact Dermatitis, 1994. 30(3): p. 135-8.


Anonymous, Nickel sensitivity in atopics, psoriatics and healthy subjects [letter]. Contact Dermatitis, 1994. 31(1): p. 63-4.


Brasch, J., et al., Reproducibility of patch tests. A multicenter study of synchronous left-versus right-sided patch tests by the German Contact Dermatitis Research Group. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 1994. 31(4): p. 584-91.


Bruze, M., Allergic contact cheilitis related to university studies. Contact Dermatitis, 1994. 30(5): p. 313.


Dotterud, L.K. and E.S. Falk, Metal allergy in north Norwegian schoolchildren and its relationship with ear piercing and atopy. Contact Dermatitis, 1994. 31(5): p. 308-13.


Fisher, A.A., Sensitization to nickel from stainless steel ear-piercing kits [letter; comment]. Contact Dermatitis, 1994. 30(2): p. 126-7.


Gordon, P.M., M.I. White, and T.R. Scotland, Generalized sensitivity from an implanted orthopaedic antibiotic minichain containing nickel. Contact Dermatitis, 1994. 30(3): p. 181-2.


Haudrechy, P., et al., Nickel release from nickel-plated metals and stainless steels. Contact Dermatitis, 1994. 31(4): p. 249-55.


Hindsen, M., O.B. Christensen, and H. Moller, Nickel levels in serum and urine in five different groups of eczema patients following oral ingestion of nickel. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 1994. 74(3): p. 176-8.


Kanerva, L., et al., Nickel release from metals, and a case of allergic contact dermatitis from stainless steel. Contact Dermatitis, 1994. 31(5): p. 299-303.


Kokelj, F., et al., Nickel, chromate and cobalt in toilet soaps analysed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Contact Dermatitis, 1994. 31(4): p. 270.


Lewis, F.M., C.I. Harrington, and D.J. Gawkrodger, Contact sensitivity in pruritus vulvae: a common and manageable problem. Contact Dermatitis, 1994. 31(4): p. 264-5.


Liden, C., Cold-impregnated aluminium. A new source of nickel exposure. Contact Dermatitis, 1994. 31(1): p. 22-4.


Liden, C. and J.E. Wahlberg, Cross-reactivity to metal compounds studied in guinea pigs induced with chromate or cobalt. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 1994. 74(5): p. 341-3.


Lopez, S., et al., Aluminium allergy in patients hyposensitized with aluminium-precipitated antigen extracts. Contact Dermatitis, 1994. 31(1): p. 37-40.


Meding, B., L. Barregard, and K. Marcus, Hand eczema in car mechanics. Contact Dermatitis, 1994. 30(3): p. 129-34.


Rohold, A.E., et al., Nickel patch test reactivity and the menstrual cycle. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 1994. 74(5): p. 383-5.


Rudzki, E. and K. Prystupa, Sensitivity to various nickel and chromium concentrations in patch tests and oral challenge tests. Contact Dermatitis, 1994. 30(4): p. 254-5.


Santucci, B., et al., Serum and urine concentrations in nickel-sensitive patients after prolonged oral administration. Contact Dermatitis, 1994. 30(2): p. 97-101.


Seidenari, S., Reactivity to nickel sulfate at sodium lauryl sulfate pretreated skin sites is higher in atopics: an echographic evaluation by means of image analysis performed on 20 MHz B-scan recordings. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 1994. 74(4): p. 245-9.


Sertoli, A., et al., Prevention of allergic contact dermatitis with alternative products. Contact Dermatitis, 1994. 31(5): p. 322-3.


Sevila, A., et al., Contact dermatitis in children. Contact Dermatitis, 1994. 30(5): p. 292-4.


van der Walle, H.B. and V.M. Brunsveld, Dermatitis in hairdressers. (I). The experience of the past 4 years. Contact Dermatitis, 1994. 30(4): p. 217-21.


Veien, N.K., et al., Stomatitis or systemically-induced contact dermatitis from metal wire in orthodontic materials. Contact Dermatitis, 1994. 30(4): p. 210-3.


Vilaplana, J., C. Romaguera, and F. Cornellana, Contact dermatitis and adverse oral mucous membrane reactions related to the use of dental prostheses. Contact Dermatitis, 1994. 30(2): p. 80-4.


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