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T DIAGNOSEN (zie ook Diagnoselijst Dermatologie)   home ICD10 DBC
Takayashu arteritis M31.4 13
talgklieradenoom D23.9 3
talgkliercarcinoom (carcinoma sebaceum) C44.9 14
Tangier, ziekte van (lipoproteïne deficiëntie) E78.6 28
tatoeage L81.8 16
teleangiectasia aranea (spider naevus) I78.1 25
teleangiectasia essentialis I78.1 25
teleangiectasia macularis eruptiva perstans Q82.2 13
teleangiectasia nno I78.1 25
TEN L51.2 27
TEN-like SLE M32.8 13
tepel eczeem (dermatitis) eczema mammillae L20.9 5
Terry’s nails L60.8 12
tetanus A35 4
thrombo-angiitis obliterans (Bürger) I73.1 25
thyreoglossal duct cyste of fistel Q89.2 27
tierfell naevus D48.5 15
tinea imbricata B35.5 4
tinea incognito B36.8 4
tinea nigra (palmaris) B36.1 4
toeweb infection (bacterial) L08.9 4
tong fibroom D10.1 3
torus palatinus K10.0 27
toxisch effect van eten van paddestoelen T62.0 2
toxisch erytheem L53.0 27
toxische epidermale necrolyse (Lyell) L51.2 27
toxoplasmosis nno B58.9 4
trans-epidermale eliminatie afwijkingen L87 27
trans-epidermale eliminatie afwijkingen, nno L87.8 27
trans-epidermale eliminatie afwijkingen, nno L87.9 27
transiente acantholytische dermatose (Grover) L11.1 13
transient myeloproliferative disorder in Down syndrome D75.8 28
transiente neonatale pustuleuze melanosis P83.8 27
trichilemmale cyste (pilar cyst) L72.1 3
trichilemmoma D23.9 3
trichodiscoma D23.9 3
trichodynie F45.4 27
trichoepithelioma (epithelioma adenoides cysticum) D23.9 3
trichofolliculoma D23.9 3
trichomoniasis, niet gespec. A59.9 4
trichomoniasis, overige gespec. A59.8 4
trichomoniasis, prostatitis A59.0 4
trichomoniasis, urethritis A59.0 4
trichomoniasis, vulvovaginitis A59.0 4
trichomycosis axillaris A48.8 4
trichomycosis palmellina A48.8 4
trichophytia profunda capitis B35.0 4
trichorrhexis invaginata (bamboe haren) L67.0 12
trichorrhexis nodosa L67.0 12
trichostasis spinulosa Q84.1 12
trichothiodystrofie Q84.1 12
trichotillomanie F63.3 28
trombidiosis (trombiculosis) B88.0 4
trombo-embolie van arteria axillaris I74.2 25
trombo-embolie van arteria brachialis I74.2 25
trombo-embolie van arteria carotis I65.2 25
trombo-embolie van arteria femoralis I74.3 25
trombo-embolie van arteria iliaca I74.5 25
trombo-embolie van arteria mesenterica K55.0 25
trombo-embolie van arteria poplitea I74.3 25
trombo-embolie van arteria radialis I74.2 25
trombo-embolie van arteria renalis N280 28
trombo-embolie van arteria subclavia I74.2 25
trombo-embolie van arteria tibialis I74.3 25
trombo-embolie van arteria ulnaris I74.2 25
trombo-embolie van arteria vertebralis I65.0 25
trombo-embolie van vena mesenterica K55.0 25
trombo-emolie van arterie I74.9 25
tromboflebitis been nno I80.3 9
tromboflebitis migrans I82.1 9
tromboflebitis nno I80.9 9
tromboflebitis overige diepe venen, been I80.2 9
tromboflebitis vena femoralis I80.1 9
trombose nno I82.9 25
trombose of trombo-embolie van vena cava I82.2 25
trombose of trombo-embolie van vena lienalis I82.8 25
trombose of trombo-embolie van vena renalis I82.3 25
trombose van abdominale aorta I74.0 25
trombose van arteria axillaris I74.2 25
trombose van arteria brachialis I74.2 25
trombose van arteria carotis I65.2 25
trombose van arteria femoralis I74.3 25
trombose van arteria iliaca I74.5 25
trombose van arteria mesenterica K55.0 25
trombose van arteria poplitea I74.3 25
trombose van arteria radialis I74.2 25
trombose van arteria renalis N280 28
trombose van arteria subclavia I74.2 25
trombose van arteria tibialis I74.3 25
trombose van arteria ulnaris I74.2 25
trombose van arteria vertebralis I65.0 25
trombose van thoracale aorta I74.1 25
trombose van vena mesenterica K55.0 25
trombothische thrombocytopenische purpura M31.1 27
trommelstokvingers, congenitaal Q68.1 27
trommelstokvingers, verworven (clubbed finger) R68.3 27
tropische koortsende ziekte met huidafwijking B99 4
trypanosomiasis (ziekte van Chagas) B57 4
tuberculose A15 4
tuberculosis cutis colliquativa (scrophuloderma) A18.4 4
tuberculosis cutis lichenoides (lichen scrofulosorum) A18.4 4
tuberculosis cutis luposa (lupus vulgaris) A18.4 4
tuberculosis cutis miliaris disseminata A18.4 4
tuberculosis cutis papulonecrotica (papulonecrotic tuberculoid) A18.4 4
tuberculosis cutis ulcerosa A18.4 4
tuberculosis cutis verrucosa A18.4 4
tuberculosis cutis, nno A18.4 4
tubereuze sclerose (Bourneville-Pringle) Q85.1 11
tubular adenoma of the vulva D36.9 3
tufted angioma D18.0 25
tungiasis B88.1 4
Turner syndroom Q96.9 27
twenty nail dystrophy (trachyonychia) L60.3 12
tylositas articuli (knuckle pads) M72.1 27
tyrosinemie E70.2 27
tyrosinemie type II (Richner-Hanhart syndroom)  27 E70.2 27

dr. Jan R. Mekkes. Dermatoloog, Amsterdam UMC.

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