Hypotrichosis (verminderde haargroei) kan congenitaal voorkomen als op zich zelf staand verschijnsel (congenitale hypotrichia), of in het kader van erfelijke syndromen.

Erfelijke syndroomn met hypotrichosis:
Marie Unna syndroom
Hereditary hypotrichosis simplex
Hereditary hypotrichosis simplex of scalp
Hypotrichosis and deafness syndroom
Hereditary hypotrichosis with recurrent skin vesicles syndroom
Hypotrichosis with keratosis pilaris
Congenital ichthyosis with hypotrichosis syndroom
Roberts-SC phocomelia syndroom
Hypotrichosis with keratosis pilaris and lentiginosis
Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, hypotrichosis syndroom
Hypotrichosis with juvenile macular degeneration syndroom
Neonatal sclerosing cholangitis, ichthyosis, hypotrichosis syndroom
Hypotrichosis and intellectual disability syndroom Lopes type
Hypotrichosis, lymphedema, telangiectasia, renal defect syndroom
Short stature, onychodysplasia, facial dysmorphism, hypotrichosis syndroom
Hypotrichosis, osteolysis, periodontitis, palmoplantar keratoderma syndroom
Hallermann-Streiff syndroom

dr. Jan R. Mekkes. Dermatoloog, Amsterdam UMC.

31-05-2023 (JRM) - www.huidziekten.nl W3C-html-4.01-valid

ICD10 C86.6 Haarverlies zonder littekenvorming, niet gespecificeerd: hypotrichosis
ICD10 C86.6 Nonscarring hair loss, unspecified: hypotrichosis
SNOMED 53602002 Hypotrichosis
DBC 12 spacer Haar- en nagelafwijkingen

ICD10 L65.8 Overige gespecificeerde vormen van haarverlies zonder littekenvorming: postinfectieuze hypotrichosis
ICD10 L65.8 Other specified nonscarring hair loss: postinfectional hypotrichosis
SNOMED 59817009 Postinfectional hypotrichosis
DBC 12 spacer Haar- en nagelafwijkingen

ICD10 Q84.0 Congenitale alopecia: congenital hypotrichia
ICD10 Q84.0 Congenital alopecia: congenital hypotrichia
SNOMED 56558005 Congenital hypotrichia
DBC 12 spacer Haar- en nagelafwijkingen

ICD10 Q84.0 Congenitale alopecia: alopecia triangularis congenita
ICD10 Q84.0 Congenital alopecia: triangular alopecia
SNOMED 403535008 Triangular alopecia
DBC 12 spacer Haar- en nagelafwijkingen

ICD10 Q84.0 Congenitale alopecia: Marie Unna syndroom
ICD10 Q84.0 Congenital alopecia: Marie Unna syndroom
ICD11 EC21.2 Hereditary alopecia or hypotrichosis
SNOMED 254234005 Marie Unna syndroom
DBC 12 spacer Haar- en nagelafwijkingen

ICD10 Q84.0 Congenitale alopecia: hereditary hypotrichosis simplex
ICD10 Q84.0 Congenital alopecia: hereditary hypotrichosis simplex
SNOMED 723362004 Hereditary hypotrichosis simplex
DBC 12 spacer Haar- en nagelafwijkingen

ICD10 Q84.0 Congenitale alopecia: hereditary hypotrichosis simplex of scalp
ICD10 Q84.0 Congenital alopecia: hereditary hypotrichosis simplex of scalp
SNOMED 717256009 Hereditary hypotrichosis simplex of scalp
DBC 12 spacer Haar- en nagelafwijkingen

ICD10 Q84.0 Congenitale alopecia: hereditary hypotrichosis with recurrent skin vesicles syndrome
ICD10 Q84.0 Congenital alopecia: hereditary hypotrichosis with recurrent skin vesicles syndrome
SNOMED 724350009 Hereditary hypotrichosis with recurrent skin vesicles syndrome
DBC 12 spacer Haar- en nagelafwijkingen

ICD10 Q84.0 Congenitale alopecia: hypotrichosis and deafness syndrome
ICD10 Q84.0 Congenital alopecia: hypotrichosis and deafness syndrome
SNOMED 783555001 Hypotrichosis and deafness syndrome
DBC 12 spacer Haar- en nagelafwijkingen

ICD10 Q84.0 Congenitale alopecia: hypotrichosis with keratosis pilaris
ICD10 Q84.0 Congenital alopecia: hypotrichosis with keratosis pilaris
SNOMED 254226004 Hypotrichosis with keratosis pilaris
DBC 12 spacer Haar- en nagelafwijkingen

ICD10 Q84.0 Congenitale alopecia: congenital ichthyosis with hypotrichosis syndrome
ICD10 Q84.0 Congenital alopecia: congenital ichthyosis with hypotrichosis syndrome
SNOMED 724277002 Congenital ichthyosis with hypotrichosis syndrome
DBC 12 spacer Haar- en nagelafwijkingen

ICD10 Q84.0 Congenitale alopecia: Roberts-SC phocomelia syndrome
ICD10 Q84.0 Congenital alopecia: Roberts-SC phocomelia syndrome
SNOMED 48718006 Roberts-SC phocomelia syndrome
DBC 12 spacer Haar- en nagelafwijkingen

ICD10 Q84.0 Congenitale alopecia: hypotrichosis with keratosis pilaris and lentiginosis
ICD10 Q84.0 Congenital alopecia: hypotrichosis with keratosis pilaris and lentiginosis
SNOMED 254227008 Hypotrichosis with keratosis pilaris and lentiginosis
DBC 12 spacer Haar- en nagelafwijkingen

ICD10 Q84.0 Congenitale alopecia: spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, hypotrichosis syndrome
ICD10 Q84.0 Congenital alopecia: spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, hypotrichosis syndrome
SNOMED 773300008 Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, hypotrichosis syndrome
DBC 12 spacer Haar- en nagelafwijkingen

ICD10 Q84.0 Congenitale alopecia: hypotrichosis with juvenile macular degeneration syndrome
ICD10 Q84.0 Congenital alopecia: hypotrichosis with juvenile macular degeneration syndrome
SNOMED 723364003 Hypotrichosis with juvenile macular degeneration syndrome
DBC 12 spacer Haar- en nagelafwijkingen

ICD10 Q84.0 Congenitale alopecia: neonatal sclerosing cholangitis, ichthyosis, hypotrichosis syndrome
ICD10 Q84.0 Congenital alopecia: neonatal sclerosing cholangitis, ichthyosis, hypotrichosis syndrome
SNOMED 724278007 Neonatal sclerosing cholangitis, ichthyosis, hypotrichosis syndrome
DBC 12 spacer Haar- en nagelafwijkingen

ICD10 Q84.0 Congenitale alopecia: hypotrichosis and intellectual disability syndrome Lopes type
ICD10 Q84.0 Congenital alopecia: hypotrichosis and intellectual disability syndrome Lopes type
SNOMED 723365002 Hypotrichosis and intellectual disability syndrome Lopes type
DBC 12 spacer Haar- en nagelafwijkingen

ICD10 Q84.0 Congenitale alopecia: hypotrichosis, lymphedema, telangiectasia, renal defect syndrome
ICD10 Q84.0 Congenital alopecia: hypotrichosis, lymphedema, telangiectasia, renal defect syndrome
SNOMED 723363009 Hypotrichosis, lymphedema, telangiectasia, renal defect syndrome
DBC 12 spacer Haar- en nagelafwijkingen

ICD10 Q84.0 Congenitale alopecia: short stature, onychodysplasia, facial dysmorphism, hypotrichosis syndrome
ICD10 Q84.0 Congenital alopecia: short stature, onychodysplasia, facial dysmorphism, hypotrichosis syndrome
SNOMED 773625007 Short stature, onychodysplasia, facial dysmorphism, hypotrichosis syndrome
DBC 12 spacer Haar- en nagelafwijkingen

ICD10 Q84.0 Congenitale alopecia: hypotrichosis, osteolysis, periodontitis, palmoplantar keratoderma syndrome
ICD10 Q84.0 Congenital alopecia: hypotrichosis, osteolysis, periodontitis, palmoplantar keratoderma syndrome
SNOMED 763658004 Hypotrichosis, osteolysis, periodontitis, palmoplantar keratoderma syndrome
DBC 12 spacer Haar- en nagelafwijkingen

ICD10 Q87.0 Congenitale gestoorde ontwikkelingssyndroomn waarbij voornamelijk aangegezicht is aangedaan: syndroom van Hallermann-Streiff
ICD10 Q87.0 Congenital malformation syndrooms predominantly affecting facial appearance: Hallermann-Streiff syndroom
SNOMED 7903009 Hallermann-Streiff syndroom
DBC 28 spacer Geen dermatologische diagnose