Stapelingsziekten van endogeen materiaal: |
mucinosen amyloïdosen lipoïd proteïnosen mucopolysaccharidosen colloïd milium alkaptonurie ochronosis jicht calcinosis cutis cutane ossificatie porfyrieën |
Mucinosen: |
Focale mucinosen - focale cutane mucinose - discrete papular mucinosis - acral persistent papular mucinosis - self-healing cutaneous mucinosis (juveniele en adulte vorm) - cutaneous mucinosis of infancy - nodulaire mucinose - mucinose bij lupus erythematosus (LE), dermatomyositis, graft-versus-host disease, granuloma annulare - myxoid (mucoide) cyste, naevus mucinosus, (angio-)myxoma Folliculaire mucinosen - primaire mucinosis follicularis, ‘Pinkus-type’ (alopecia mucinosa) - primaire mucinosis follicularis bij oudere volwassenen - secundaire mucinosis follicularis bij mycosis fungoides / lymfomen - secundaire mucinosis follicularis bij chronische discoïde LE (CDLE), lichen simplex chronicus, lichen planus, acne, naevus naevocellularis, pseudolymfoom, insectensteken Meer diffuse mucinosen - scleromyxoedeem - scleroedema adultorum van Buschke Type 1: acuut en passagère, post-febriel/postinfectieus - scleroedema adultorum van Buschke Type 2: chronisch en langzaam progressief, zonder diabetes mellitus, risico op paraproteïnemie - scleroedema adultorum van Buschke Type 3: bij diabetes mellitus, chronisch en langzaam progressief (scleroedema diabeticorum’) - reticulaire erythemateuze mucinose (REM) - gegeneraliseerd myxoedeem (bij hypothyreoïdie) - pretibiaal myxoedeem (bij hyperthyreoïdie) |
1. | Hoekzema R, Canninga-van Dijk MR. Stapelingsziekten en de huid. NTVDV 2009;19:71-73. |
31-05-2023 (RIH / JRM) - |
ICD10 | L98.5 | Mucinose van huid |
ICD10 | L98.5 | Mucinosis of the skin |
SNOMED | 402721001 | Mucinosis affecting skin |
DBC | 27 | Diagnose niet nader omschreven |
ICD10 | L98.5 | Mucinose van huid: diffuse cutane mucinose |
ICD10 | L98.5 | Mucinosis of the skin: diffuse cutaneous mucinosis |
SNOMED | 238945000 | Diffuse cutaneous mucinosis |
DBC | 27 | Diagnose niet nader omschreven |
ICD10 | L98.5 | Mucinose van huid: focale cutane mucinosis |
ICD10 | L98.5 | Mucinosis of the skin: focal cutaneous mucinosis |
SNOMED | 110981005 | Cutaneous focal mucinosis |
DBC | 27 | Diagnose niet nader omschreven |
ICD10 | L98.5 | Mucinose van huid: acral persistent papular mucinosis |
ICD10 | L98.5 | Mucinosis of the skin: acral persistent papular mucinosis |
SNOMED | 238949006 | Acral persistent papular mucinosis |
DBC | 27 | Diagnose niet nader omschreven |
ICD10 | L98.5 | Mucinose van huid: self-healing juvenile cutaneous mucinosis |
ICD10 | L98.5 | Mucinosis of the skin: self-healing juvenile cutaneous mucinosis |
SNOMED | 238947008 | Self-healing juvenile cutaneous mucinosis |
DBC | 27 | Diagnose niet nader omschreven |
ICD10 | L98.5 | Mucinose van huid: lupus erythematosus-associated papulonodular mucinosis |
ICD10 | L98.5 | Mucinosis of the skin: lupus erythematosus-associated papulonodular mucinosis |
SNOMED | 403506000 | Lupus erythematosus-associated papulonodular mucinosis |
DBC | 27 | Diagnose niet nader omschreven |
ICD10 | L98.5 | Mucinose van huid: focal primary mucinosis of skin |
ICD10 | L98.5 | Mucinosis of the skin: focal primary mucinosis of skin |
SNOMED | 402722008 | Focal primary mucinosis of skin |
DBC | 27 | Diagnose niet nader omschreven |
ICD10 | L98.5 | Mucinose van huid: secondary catabolic mucinosis of skin |
ICD10 | L98.5 | Mucinosis of the skin: secondary catabolic mucinosis of skin |
SNOMED | 402723003 | Secondary catabolic mucinosis of skin |
DBC | 27 | Diagnose niet nader omschreven |
ICD10 | L98.5 | Mucinose van huid: lichen myxoedematosus |
ICD10 | L98.5 | Mucinosis of the skin: lichen myxoedematosus |
SNOMED | 111197009 | Lichen myxoedematosus |
DBC | 27 | Diagnose niet nader omschreven |
ICD10 | L98.5 | Mucinose van huid: scleromyxedema (Arndt-Gottron) |
ICD10 | L98.5 | Mucinosis of the skin: scleromyxedema (Arndt-Gottron) |
SNOMED | 402468007 | Scleromyxedema |
DBC | 27 | Diagnose niet nader omschreven |
ICD10 | L98.5 | Mucinose van huid: reticulaire erythemateuze mucinose |
ICD10 | L98.5 | Mucinosis of the skin: reticular erythematous mucinosis |
SNOMED | 238946004 | Reticular erythematous mucinosis |
DBC | 27 | Diagnose niet nader omschreven |
ICD10 | L65.2 | Alopecia mucinosa |
ICD10 | L65.2 | Alopecia mucinosa |
SNOMED | 27382006 | Alopecia mucinosa |
DBC | 12 | Haar- en nagelafwijkingen |
ICD10 | C84.0 | Mycosis fungoides: folliculotrope mycosis fungoides |
ICD10 | C84.0 | Mycosis fungoides: folliculotropic mycosis fungoides |
SNOMED | 404109006 | Follicular mucinosis type mycosis fungoides |
DBC | 14 | Maligne dermatosen |